NoteThis device is intended for use on Class 2 circuits only. Use only on low voltage circuits with output ranges identified in specifications. These lamps may be dimmed using analog dimmers and magnetic transformers. May not be compatible with all dimmers and/or transformers and should be tested in application for compatibility prior to full installations on circuits using such devices. Not for use on timing devices, photo sensors or occupancy sensors. Caution: Risk of electric shock. Never disassemble or modify the bulb, no user serviceable parts inside.To avoid burns, do not touch the bulb during operation and allow to cool completely after switching off. This device is not intended for use in emergency exit fixtures. This device complies with Part 18 of the FCC rules. This product may cause interference with other devices. If interference occurs, change the location of the products involved. Do not use in totally enclosed fixtures or IC or ICAT rated recessed cans. IP67 Rated - This lamp is rated for use outdoors where exposed directly to water and protected from the effects of temporary immersion in water to depth between 5.9” (15cm) and 39.37” (1m). Rated for outdoor use only. Do not use in totally enclosed fixtures. Risk of electric shock. Never disassemble or modify the bulb. To avoid burns, do not touch the bulb during operation and allow to cool completely after switching off. This device is not intended for use with emergency exit fixtures. If this product causes interference with other devices, change the location of the products involved. Wet location rated. To view the product packaging, click here.